Emergence traps were operated over three years in a stream near Lunz in southwestern Lower Austria, to find out the differences between eight types of traps. Trichoptera, Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Simuliidae, Limoniidae and Empididae were compared quantitatively as whole groups. Trichoptera, Limoniidae and aquatic Empididae were compared at species level. Except for the expected statistical variation, there was wide variation in the number of specimens between groups and species, and also between the trap types, to such a degree that the emergence method appears to be of limited value for productivity or other quantitativestudies. The total catch of insects caught in the traps, consisted of freshly emerged adults, aged ovipositing females and many other insects (including terrestrial ones) which entered the traps in unknown ways. The variation may depend on the biology and behaviour of the insects, on the design of the traps and on an unknown number of other factors.