We investigated interactions between plant roots, protozoa and
nematodes after addition of patches containing
inorganic or organic nitrogen in order to determine whether
root proliferation could explain the capture of N by
the plant from the patch. Decomposition of a
15N/13C, dual-labelled, organic patch in the
absence of plant roots
was also examined. In the decomposing patch the amounts of
13C and 15N remaining co-varied and both declined
with time. Nematode numbers increased. However, protozoan biomass and inorganic
(NO3− and NH4+)
availability did not significantly alter as decomposition of
the patch progressed. Addition of inorganic N patches,
as NH4NO3 solutions, to the first lateral to emerge
the main seminal root axis of Lolium perenne L. seedlings
had no effect on root growth compared with controls 16 d
after addition. Protozoan biomass increased.
Furthermore, log protozoan biomass and NO3−
concentrations of the growth medium were significantly (P<0·05)
and positively related. Plant response (i.e. biomass production,
N capture and root length) to an added organic
patch was examined using five different grass species (Festuca
arundinacea L., Phleum pratense L., Poa pratensis
L., Dactylis glomerata L. and L. perenne). Total plant
was significantly (P<0·05) repressed by an organic
patch. Plant N content was reduced when an organic patch was
present but N concentrations were greater. Roots
were generally slow to proliferate within the patch but there
was a significant (P<0·05) species×patch interaction
for root length within the patch at harvest and in the 2-cm band below
it. However,
15N capture by the plants was
not related to mean root length duration. All species captured similar
amounts of
15N (c. 3–5%) at harvest as a
percentage of the initial 15N added in the organic patch.
Similarly, the percentage of the total N captured from the
patch was not related to the proportion of the root weight
within the patch. The fraction of the captured N from
the organic patch as a percentage of the plants' total N,
however, did differ among species. Substantial amounts
(>62%) of the 15N initially added remained in the patch at
Much less (c. 13–21%) 13C remained in the
patch. Protozoan biomass and nematode numbers increased
significantly (P<0·05) in the organic patch, although
the relationship between the two groups was not significant.
As in the inorganic N study, the relationship between
log protozoan biomass and NO3−
concentrations in the soil was significantly positive. We conclude that,
grown in monoculture, plants' N capture from an organic patch
is not a simple function of root proliferation.
External factors, not plant attributes, are more important in controlling
patch exploitation.