Uplift of the Rhenish Massif can be demonstrated by means of the stream-made river terrace system that accompanies the Rhine river and its tributaries along their way through or within this part of the Variscan fold and thrust belt. The height difference between a former valley floor, especially that of the Younger ‘Hauptterrasse’ (Main Terrace), and the recent one allows to quantify the uplift by the amount of downcutting erosion. The uplift velocity increased just after the BRUNHES / MATUYAMA boundary, i.e. about 0.8 Ma B.R Since that time, a domal uplift of more than 250 m is documented in the eastern Hunsriick and in the south-eastern Eifel. The area of this maximum height anomaly is situated just between the East-and West-Eifel Quaternary volcanic districts. Thus, causal connections are supposed. The domai uplift is affected by normal faulting partly inherited since Tertiary rifting.