A male disadvantage has been reported in several
outcome studies of children born preterm. Twenty-two healthy
premature children (10 girls, 12 boys) born between 25
and 28 weeks of gestation and 20 controls born full-term
(10 boys, 10 girls) were matched on socioeconomical status
and age. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded
by using 14 electrodes in a visual oddball task, with 75%
frequent and 25% rare stimuli. This task elicited a larger
P3 to the rare than to the frequent stimuli, with a prominent
parietocentral localization. However, the amplitude was
larger in full-term boys than in full-term girls, a difference
that was not observed between preterm boys and preterm
girls, especially to targets and on the central electrodes.
In addition, the preterm group was characterized by a frontal
slow wave larger in boys than in girls. In these prematures,
the lack of the sex-related difference may be accounted
by differences in the strength of the neuronal generators
in males, as they might have been affected by the high
level of androgens by the fetal testis under the control
of placental gonadotropes during the first two thirds of