Information on ozone uptake by various tree species has been derived
mainly from controlled-exposure studies of
seedlings. Parallel measurements of foliar physiological processes in
large trees are rare, as are measurements of
local ozone concentrations within forest environments. Thus, our
objectives were to characterize foliar ozone
uptake in forest trees of different size and to identify a mechanistic
linkage between small and large trees. Light-saturated net photosynthesis
(Pn), stomatal conductance
(gH2O), and ozone uptake
(gO3) in seedling (<2 m), sapling
(2–5 m) and mature (9–21 m) black cherry (Prunus serotina
Ehrh.), northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and red
maple (Acer rubrum L.) trees were measured monthly over two
growing seasons at sites at high (1240 m) and low
(600 m) elevation in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Seasonal
ozone dose to northern red oak and red
maple in the upper crown of mature trees was approx. double that of
respective understorey seedlings and saplings.
Seasonal ozone dose to black cherry was up to six times greater in
mature trees than in seedlings and saplings. The
lower ozone dose to understorey trees was mainly a function of lower
gH2O, although canopy gradients in ozone
concentration were indicated. Differences in Pn and
gH2O between small and large deciduous
forest trees were
linked to variation in nitrogen concentration expressed on a leaf area basis.