Two field experiments were conducted during 2012 and 2013 at Roseworthy, South Australia to identify effective herbicide options for the management of clethodim-resistant rigid ryegrass in faba bean. Dose–response experiments confirmed resistance in both field populations (B3, 2012 and E2, 2013) to clethodim and butroxydim. Sequencing of the target site of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase gene in both populations identified an aspartate-2078-glycine mutation. Although resistance of B3 and E2 populations to clethodim was similar (16.5- and 21.4-fold more resistant than the susceptible control SLR4), the B3 population was much more resistant to butroxydim (7.13-fold) than E2 (2.24-fold). Addition of butroxydim to clethodim reduced rigid ryegrass plant density 60 to 80% and seed production 71 to 88% compared with the standard grower practice of simazine PPI plus clethodim POST. Clethodim + butroxydim combination had the highest grain yield of faba bean (980 to 2,400 kg ha−1). Although propyzamide and pyroxasulfone plus triallate PPI provided the next highest levels of rigid ryegrass control (< 60%), these treatments were more variable and unable to reduce seed production (6,354 to 13,570 seeds m−2) to levels acceptable for continuous cropping systems.