Ro RNPs are small cytoplasmic RNA–protein complexes
of unknown function that have been found in all metazoan
cells studied so far. In human cells, Ro RNPs consist of
one of four small RNA molecules, termed hY RNAs and at
least two well-characterized proteins, Ro60 and La. In
previous Xenopus laevis oocyte microinjection
studies, we showed that an intact Ro60 binding site (Stem-loop
1) is a prerequisite for efficient nuclear export of hY1
RNA, whereas an intact La-binding site promotes nuclear
retention (Simons et al. RNA, 1996, 2:264–273).
Here we present evidence that the distal half (Stem 2)
of the conserved base-paired stem structure found in all
hY RNAs also plays a critical role in the export process.
A minimal RNA molecule containing this region, L1S2 RNA,
competes effectively for the export of full-length hY1
RNAs and is itself exported very rapidly in a Ro60-independent
and RanGTP-dependent manner. Mutational analyses of this
RNA shows that a 5′/3′ terminal double-stranded
stem structure (>10 bp) of no specific nucleotide sequence
constitutes a novel nuclear export element (NEE). Cross-competition
studies indicate that this type of NEE may also be involved
in export of other classes of RNAs. Like full-length hY1
RNA, L1S2 RNA also competes for export of ET-202 RNA, an
RNA that was selected for its efficient nuclear export
in the presence of the nuclear transport inhibitor, VSV
Matrix protein (Grimm et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,
1997, 94:10122–10127). However, export of
L1S2 RNA is strongly inhibited by VSV-M protein, showing
that these RNAs use partially overlapping, but not identical
export pathways. We propose that export of Y RNAs is mediated
by two contiguous cis-acting elements in the 5′/3′
double-stranded stem region that is conserved between different