The present paper considers the stochastic difference equation Yn = AnYn-1 + Bn with i.i.d. random pairs (An, Bn) and obtains conditions under which Yn converges in distribution. This convergence is related to the existence of solutions of
and (A, B) independent, and the convergence w.p. 1 of ∑ A1A2 ··· An-1Bn. A second subject is the series ∑ Cnf(Tn) with (Cn) a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, (Tn) the sequence of points of a Poisson process and f a Borel function on (0, ∞). The resulting random variable turns out to be infinitely divisible, and its Lévy–Hinčin representation is obtained. The two subjects coincide in case An and Cn are independent, Bn = AnCn, An = U1/αn with Un a uniform random variable, f(x) = e−x/α.