Reverse correlation was used in conjunction with
ternary white noise to estimate the first-order spatiotemporal
receptive-field structure of LGN cells in the anesthetized,
paralyzed cat. Based on a singular-value decomposition
of these data, we conclude that most LGN cells are approximately
space–time separable. An analysis of the timecourses
of the first singular values revealed a strongly bimodal
but continuous distribution of rise times and waveforms.
The two modes represented cells generally associated with
the lagged and nonlagged classes of Mastronarde (1987a,b),
and this was confirmed by their responses to step and sine-modulated
spots in their field centers. The intermediate cells, rather
than appearing to constitute a separate group, smoothly
filled the region between the obviously lagged and nonlagged
cells in every respect. These conclusions are limited to
X-cells although the data from a much smaller population
of Y-cells conform to the same scheme. We conclude that
lagged and nonlagged cells represent the modes of a continuous
and very broad distribution of temporal responses in the
cat LGN.