Attentional modulation of the startle reflex was
studied in 16 unmedicated schizophrenia patients and 15
control individuals during the 18F-2-deoxyglucose
uptake period for positron emission tomography. In a task
involving attended, ignored, and novel tones that served
as prepulses, control individuals showed greater prepulse
inhibition (PPI) at 120 ms and greater prepulse facilitation
at 4,500 ms during attended than during ignored prepulses;
the amount of PPI and facilitation during novel prepulses
was intermediate. In contrast, patients failed to show
differential PPI at 120 ms and tended to show greater facilitation
at 4,500 ms during novel prepulses. For control individuals,
greater PPI was associated with higher relative metabolic
activity rates in prefrontal (Brodmann Areas 8, 9, and
10 bilaterally) and lower in visual cortex. Patients showed
this relationship only for Area 10 on the left. Patients
also had low metabolism in superior, middle, and inferior
prefrontal cortex. Consistent with animal models, our results
demonstrate the importance of the functional integrity
of prefrontal cortex to PPI modulation.