The type material of Physciamagara Kremp., which is the type species of Seirophora Poelt (Teloschistaceae), is shown to be heterogeneous. It is a mixture of Teloschistesvillosus (Ach.) Norman and Ramalinamaciformis (Delile) Bory. Physciamagara Kremp. is typified on the T. villosus-part. Teloschistes species with multiseriate hairs, spores with short septa, thick and strongly conglutinated cortex hyphae with thick walls, lacking cilia or rhizines, and which have a mainly northern hemispheric distribution, are transferred to Seirophora. The following new combinations are made: Seirophora aurantiaca (R. Br.) Frödén, Seirophora austroarabica (Sipman) Frödén, Seirophora californica (Sipman) Frödén, Seirophora contortuplicata (Ach.) Frödén, Seirophora lacunosa (Rupr.) Frödén, Seirophora scorigena (Mont.) Frödén, Seirophora stenophylla (Tav.) Frödén, and Seirophora villosa (Ach.) Frödén.