The nature and early time course of the initial
processing differences between visually matched linguistic
and nonlinguistic images were studied with event-related
potentials (ERPs). The first effect began at 90 ms when
ERPs to written words diverged from other objects, including
faces. By 125 ms, ERPs to words and faces were more positive
than those to other objects, effects identified with the
P150. The amplitude and scalp distribution of P150s to
words and faces were similar. The P150 seemed to be elicited
selectively by images resembling any well-learned category
of visual patterns. We propose that (a) visual perceptual
categorization based on long-term experience begins by
125 ms, (b) P150 amplitude varies with the cumulative experience
people have discriminating among instances of specific
categories of visual objects (e.g., words, faces), and
(c) the P150 is a scalp reflection of letterstring and
face intracranial ERPs in posterior fusiform gyrus.