In the context of Mackey functors we introduce
a category which is analogous to the category
of modules for a quasi-hereditary algebra which
have a filtration by standard objects. Many of
the constructions which work for quasi-hereditary
algebras can be done in this new context. In
particular, we construct an analogue of the
`Ringel dual', which turns out here to be a
standardly stratified algebra.
The Mackey functors which play the role of
the standard objects are constructed in the same
way as functors which have been used previously
in parametrizing the simple Mackey functors, but
instead of using simple modules in their
construction (as was done before) we use
p-permutation modules. These Mackey functors
are obtained as adjoints of the operations of
forming the Brauer quotient and its dual.
The filtrations which have these Mackey functors
as their factors are closely related to the
filtrations whose terms are the sum of induction
maps from specified subgroups, or are the common
kernel of restriction maps to these subgroups.
These latter filtrations appear in Conlon's
decomposition theorems for the Green ring, as
well as in other places, where they arise
quite naturally.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:
primary 20C20; secondary 20J05, 19A22, 16G70, 16E60.