Posttranscriptional editing of trypanosome mitochondrial messenger
RNA is directed by small guide RNAs (gRNAs). Using crosslinking
techniques, we have previously shown that the gRNA base pairs
to the mRNA via a 5′ anchor, whereas its 3′ U-tail
interacts with upstream purine-rich mRNA sequences. The
incorporation of crosslinking data into RNA folding programs
produced similar structure predictions for all gRNA/mRNA pairs
examined. This suggests that gRNA/mRNA pairs can form common
secondary structure motifs that may be important for recognition
by the editing complex. In this study, the structure of CYb
mRNA crosslinked to gCYb-558 was examined using solution-probing
techniques. The mRNA/gRNA crosslinked molecules are efficient
substrates for gRNA-directed cleavage. In addition, when the
cleavage assay is performed in the presence or absence of
additional UTP, the activities of both the U-specific exonuclease
and terminal uridylyl transferase (tutase) can be detected.
These results indicate that a partial editing complex can assemble
and function on these substrates suggesting that the crosslink
captured the molecules in a biologically relevant interaction.
The structure probing data directly show that the U-tail protects
several mRNA bases predicted to be involved in the U-tail-mRNA
duplex. In combination with our previous studies, these new
data provide additional support for the predicted secondary
structure of interacting gRNA/mRNA pairs.