The movement of sulfonylurea herbicide-resistant (R) kochia pollen was investigated in a spring barley field near Moscow, ID, using a Nelder plot design in 1991 and 1992. Each 61 m diameter plot had 16 rays spaced 22.5° apart and contained 211 kochia plants. There were 12 susceptible (S) plants and one R plant along each ray. The R and S plants were 1.5 m and 3.0 to 30.5 m from the center of the plot, respectively. Wind direction and speed in the 16 vectors, air and soil temperature, and rainfall were monitored continuously. Mature kochia seed was collected from individual plants, planted in the greenhouse, and sprayed with chlorsulfuron to test for resistant F1 progeny. Results from the 2-yr study showed outcrossing of R pollen onto S plants at rates up to 13.1% per plant 1.5 m from the R plants and declining to 1.4% per plant or less 29 m from the R plants. At least 35% of the total R x S crosses occurred in the direction of prevailing southeastward winds. Predicted percentages of R x S crosses per plant ranged from 0.16 to 1.29 at 1.5 m, and 0.00 to 0.06% at 29 m. Thus, resistant kochia pollen can spread the sulfonylurea-resistant trait at least 30 m during each growing season.