Individual feeding specialisation in shorebirds is reviewed, and the possible mechanisms involved in such
specialisations. Any specialisation can be seen as an individual strategy, and the optimum strategy for any
given individual will be conditional upon its specific priorities and constraints. Some specialisations are
related to social status and some to individual skills. Some are also probably frequency-dependent. However,
most shorebird specialisations are constrained to a large extent by individual morphology, particularly bill
morphology. For example, larger birds are able to handle larger prey, and birds with longer bills are able
to feed on more deeply buried prey. Sex differences in bill length are uncommon in the Charardriidae, which
are surface peckers, but are common in the Scolopacidae, which feed by probing in soft substrates. Sex
differences in bill morphology are frequently associated with sex differences in feeding specialisation. There
is evidence that different feeding specialisations are associated with different payoffs, in which case the
probability of failing to reproduce or of dying will not be distributed equally throughout the population. I
consider the population consequences of such feeding specialisations, particularly the different risks and
benefits associated with different habitats or diets. I also consider the way in which individuals may differ
in their response to habitat loss or change. I suggest that population models designed to predict the effect
of habitat loss or change on shorebirds should have the ability to investigate the differential response of
certain sections of the population, particularly different ages or sexes, that specialise in different diets or
feeding methods.