The Non-Equivalent groups with Anchor Test (NEAT) design involves missingdata that are missing by design. Three nonlinear observed score equating methods used with a NEAT design are the frequency estimation equipercentile equating (FEEE), the chain equipercentile equating (CEE), and the item-response-theory observed-score-equating (IRT OSE). These three methods each make different assumptions about the missing data in the NEAT design. The FEEE method assumes that the conditional distribution of the test score given the anchor test score is the same in the two examinee groups. The CEE method assumes that the equipercentile functions equating the test score to the anchor test score are the same in the two examinee groups. The IRT OSE method assumes that the IRT model employed fits the data adequately, and the items in the tests and the anchor test do not exhibit differential item functioning across the two examinee groups. This paper first describes the missing data assumptions of the three equating methods. Then it describes how the missing data in the NEAT design can be filled in a manner that is coherent with the assumptions made by each of these equating methods. Implications on equating are also discussed.