Four field experiments were conducted during 1988 and 1989 to determine the effects of POST application of nicosulfuron on quackgrass control in conventional field corn. A single application of nicosulfuron at 35 to 70 g ha–1 applied to four- to six-leaf quackgrass controlled over 90% of quackgrass five weeks after treatment. Nicosulfuron at 35 g ha–1 applied at the one- to three-leaf stage was not as effective as the same rate applied at the four- to six-leaf stage. When nicosulfuron at 35 g ha–1 was applied to four- to six-leaf quackgrass, over 80% of the quackgrass regrowth was controlled one year later. Nicosulfuron did not injure ‘Agway 584S’ corn at the highest rate (140 g ha–1) tested and did not reduce silage or grain yield.