Given two correlated Brownian motions (Xt)t≥ 0 and (Yt)t≥ 0 with constant correlation coefficient, we give the upper and lower estimations of the probability ℙ(max0 ≤s≤tXs≥ a, max0 ≤s≤tYs≥ b) for any a,b,t > 0 through explicit formulae. Our strategy is to establish a new reflection principle for two correlated Brownian motions, which can be viewed as an extension of the reflection principle for one-dimensional Brownian motion. Moreover, we also consider the nonexit probability for linear boundaries, i.e. ℙ (Xt ≤ at+c,Yt ≤ bt+d, 0≤ t≤T) for any constants a, b≥0 and c,d, T > 0.