Conserved deamidation of PKA catalytic subunit
isozymes Cα and Cβ—more than 25% at Asn2
in vivo in both cases—has been shown to yield Asp2-
and isoAsp2-containing isozymes (Jedrzejewski PT, Girod
A, Tholey A, König N, Thullner S, Kinzel V, Bossemeyer
D, 1998, Protein Sci 7:457–469). Isoaspartate
formation in proteins in vivo is indicative of succinimide
intermediates involved in both the initial deamidation
reaction as well as the “repair” of isoAsp
to Asp by the action of protein l-isoaspartyl
(d-aspartyl) O-methyl transferase (PIMT). l-Succinimide
is prone to racemization to d-succinimide, which
may hydrolyze to d-isoAsp- and d-Asp-containing
diastereomers with, respectively, no and poor substrate
character for PIMT. To analyze native PKA catalytic subunit
from cardiac muscle for these isomers the N-terminal tryptic
peptides (T1) of the enzyme were analyzed following procedures
refined specifically with a set of corresponding synthetic
peptides. The methods combined high resolution high-performance
liquid chromatography and a new mass spectrometric procedure
for the discrimination between Asp- and isoAsp-residues
in peptides (Lehmann et al., 2000). The results demonstrate
the occurrence of d-isoAsp- and d-Asp-containing
T1 fragments in addition to the l-isomers. The
small amount of the l-isoAsp isomer, representing
only part of the d-isoAsp isomer, and the relatively
large amounts of the l-Asp and d-Asp
isomers argues for an effective action of PIMT present
in cardiac tissue.