Using IRI Infoscan data pertaining to six types of spaghetti sauces and employing an extension of the demand systems framework developed by Duffy, estimates are obtained of own-price, cross-price, and total expenditure elasticities as well as own- and crossproduct advertising elasticities. We augment the Duffy model through the use of a polynomial inverse lag mechanism to deal with the carryover effects of advertising. We also account for the impacts of features in newspaper fliers, in-store displays, and coupons. Advertising efforts by industry leaders in spaghetti sauce produce positive own-advertising elasticities (ranging from .000058 to .0168) and negative cross-advertising elasticities (ranging from –.000003 to –.0094). Own-price elasticities are in the elastic range, and nearly all compensated cross-price effects are positive, indicative of Hicksian substitutes.