A study of population ecology and vectorial capacity of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Newstead was initiated on Rusinga island and mainland of Mbita Division, South Nyanza District, Kenya. As part of the overall study, investigations into fly distribution and diel activity patterns were carried out using biconical traps. The distribution of flies was found to be confined to a strip of dense vegetation of several metres in width along the lake shore. Trap catches indicated unimodal diel activity patterns for both sexes. Catches were recorded between 0700 and 1900 hr with peaks for females at 0900 hr and for males at 1000 hr. Of the physical factors (solar radiation, relative humidity, temperature and windspeed), solar radiation was found to be the main factor significantly influencing the catches of both males and females during the day. For males Y = −29.46 + 6.30X1 + 0.40X2, (r2 = 0.59, P = 0.0053 and P = 0.0425, where X1 = solar radiation and X2 = relative humidity, respectively). For females, Y = 3.63 + 5.13X1, (r2 = 0.20, P= 0.0960, where X1 = solar radiation).