African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) in a South Wales pond ate a wide variety and size range of prey. Zoobenthos and zooplankton made the greatest contribution to diets, both numerically and by weight. Terrestrial invertebrates made up a small proportion of the diet numerically but a large proportion of the diet mass during the spring and summer. Nektonic prey were present throughout the year but made up a very small proportion of diet. Cannibalism was important when eggs and larvae were present in the pond. Electivity values were consistently positive for chironomids (larvae and pupae) and daphnids but were consistently negative for tubificids. In addition, electivity increased for larger sizes and pupae of Chironomus plumosus, but was low for the largest size class (> 12 mm). Electivity of other taxa showed an increase when densities of chironomids and daphnids were reduced. Mean sizes of daphnids and cyclopods were consistently larger in frog stomach contents than in the water column, indicating that predation on zooplankton by Xenopus laevis is size-selective.