Suppose $r=p^b$, where $p$ is a prime. Let $V$
be an $n$-dimensional ${\rm GF}(r)$-space and
$G$ a subgroup of
${\rm A\Gamma L}(V) \cong {\rm A\Gamma L}(n,r)$
containing all translations and acting
primitively on the set of vectors in $V$. Denote
by $G_0$ the stabilizer in $G$ of the zero vector,
so that
$G_0 \le {\rm \Gamma L}(V)
\cong {\rm \Gamma L}(n,r)$
and $G$ is the semidirect product of $V$ and $G_0$.
Suppose that the generalized Fitting subgroup
$F^*(G_0)$ of $G_0$ is an exceptional (twisted or
untwisted, quasisimple) Chevalley group and that
$\Gamma$ is a graph structure on $V$ on which $G$
acts primitively and distance transitively. The
content of this paper is that then $G$ and $\Gamma$
are known. This result solves an open case in the
outstanding problem of classifying all finite
primitive distance-transitive groups. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:
primary 20B25; secondary 05C25, 20Gxx, 05E30.