Glyphosate is regularly used to control annual bluegrass populations in
dormant bermudagrass turf. A population of annual bluegrass not controlled
by glyphosate at 840 g ha−1 (glyphosate resistant, GR) was
identified on a golf course in Humboldt, TN in 2010. Mature tillers of GR
plants were established in a greenhouse and treated with glyphosate at 0,
210, 420, 840, 1,680, 3,360, and 6,720 g ha−1. Mature tillers of
a biotype known to be susceptible to glyphosate (SS) were also established
in the greenhouse and subjected to the same treatments. At 14 d after
treatment (DAT), glyphosate controlled the SS biotype > 95% at rates >
420 g ha−1. Comparatively, the GR biotype was only controlled 76%
with glyphosate at 6,720 g ha−1. The rates required to provide
50% control (I50 values) for SS and GR biotypes were 236 and 2,812 g
ha−1 respectively, resulting in a resistance factor of 12.
Photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) values on SS plants treated with glyphosate at > 210 g
ha−1 measured 0.000 at 14 DAT, whereas Fv/Fm values on GR plants were not significantly different from the
untreated control with glyphosate rates ≤ 840 g ha−1 on the same
date. In laboratory experiments, the SS biotype accumulated greater
shikimate concentrations than the GR biotype 3 to 6 DAT. Future research
should evaluate strategies for managing GR and SS annual bluegrass with
alternative modes of action.