To better understand the effects of perturbations (e.g. global change) or
habitat restorations on fish population dynamics, it is crucial to improve
the knowledge about strategies of habitat use (especially in terms of
velocity use) by fish. Many recent studies accurately describe kinematics or
energetic budgets of swimming activities, which are often species-specific
and hardly transferable to other species. The main goal of the present study
was to revive more general ecomorphological relationships between body shape
and strategies of velocity use by highlighting a functional aspect of fish
morphology: the hydrodynamic potential. For this purpose, potential
relationships between minimum drag coefficients (Cdmin, constant at high
Reynolds numbers), velocity use, fish morphology and drag in given flow
conditions were investigated. To assess these relationships, dead drag
values (i.e. drag values measured on dead, straight individuals) of 27
riverine species (108 individuals in total) common in France were
experimentally measured under various flow conditions. These values
served to estimate the Cdmin of fish. For pelagic species, Cdmin
values were related to both preferred and near-maximum flow velocity used by
the fish in nature. Explaining 61% of its variability, Cdmin was
described using six morphological variables, which demonstrates the
functional link between fish morphology and velocity use. For all studied
species, a model explained 94% of drag variability using the Reynolds
number of fish and three morphological variables. The link between
morphology and drag force at given velocity conditions provides simple
elements for modelling fish energetics in the context of physical habitat
use. Moreover, the relationships between fish velocity use and their
Cdmin open many applied perspectives, such as assessing the species
abilities to withstand discharge modulations.