The rotifer fauna of twenty five localities (mainly shallow lakes) from Corrientes, Argentina was studied. 136 taxa were identified, 20 ofwhich, from the genera Lecane, Lepadella, Ploesoma, Ptygura, Squatinella, Testudinella and Trichocerca are new to the Argentine fauna. Most of these are (sub)tropical in distribution, and 8 % are endemic to South America. Ploesoma africana Wulfert, Ptygura kostei n.sp., Testudinella brevicaudata Yamamoto and Trichocerca vernalis Hauer are recorded from the Neotropical region for the first time. The rotiferan species richness of this area, is remarkable. The highest diversity was recorded from vegetated lakes, with acid waters, where one locality yielded 56 species.