Insect pest problems on cowpeas can be reduced by use of strategies which involve ecological manipulations. These include crop diversification (mixed cropping, etc.), alteration of planting dates, crop rotation, trap-cropping and weed control. The merits of these cultural methods of pest control are discussed.
The status of biological control of cowpea pests is still low but promising. The crop is an annual and therefore offers very limited possibilities for the application of the classical biological control techniques. However, a large number of parasitic Hymenoptera, Diptera and predatory Hemiptera, notably Reduviids have been identified in the cowpea ecosystem. Ecological studies of some of these have been carried out and levels of parasitism determined in a few cases, but their significance in the dynamics of cowpea pest populations have not been fully established.
It is however known that conservation of parasites and predators in their wild environment is one of the traditional biological control methods. Therefore, a rationalized pesticide programme for the control of cowpea pests should aim at preventing hazards to their natural enemies so as to increase their biocontrol efficiency.