The past 20 years have seen the development of instruments designed to specify standards and evaluate the adequacy of published studies with respect to the quality of study design, the quality of findings, as well as the quality of their reporting. In the field of psychometrics, the first minimum set of standards for the review of psychometric instruments was published in 1996 by the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Medical Outcomes Trust. Since then, a number of tools have been developed with similar aims. The present paper reviews basic psychometric properties (reliability, validity and responsiveness), compares six tools developed for the critical appraisal of psychometric studies and provides a worked example of using the COSMIN checklist, Terwee-m statistical quality criteria, and the levels of evidence synthesis using the method of Schellingerhout and colleagues (2012). This paper will aid users and reviewers of questionnaires in the quality appraisal and selection of appropriate instruments by presenting available assessment tools, their characteristics and utility.