Eight herbicide treatments per crop were evaluated for hairy vetch and crimson clover cover-crop control in no-till corn and cotton at two locations in North Carolina. Paraquat alone or combined with dicamba, 2,4-D, or cyanazine, and cyanazine alone, controlled clover the best in both crops. All herbicide treatments, except glyphosate alone, controlled at least 89% of hairy vetch in corn. However, only 2,4-D and cyanazine alone or combined with glyphosate controlled greater than 89% of hairy vetch in cotton. Except for poor control of hairy vetch and crimson clover by glyphosate alone, reduced legume control did not consistently decrease corn or cotton yield. Weed control was reduced in crimson clover treated with glyphosate alone, but control was similar among the remaining herbicide treatments. Effectiveness of legume control did not influence the N concentration of corn or cotton. Corn stand, height, and yield were greater in hairy vetch than in crimson clover. Seed cotton yield did not differ between vetch and clover.