The photosynthetic and respiratory activities of the leaves of
tropical tree, cacao, Theobroma cacao L., grown
under shading, were determined in relation to leaf age and light
conditions within the canopy, in order to gain a
deeper insight into characteristics of the leaf population composing a
The specific leaf weight and leaf water content varied with the height
leaves from the ground and/or the
irradiance. The net photosynthetic rate also varied markedly depending
on leaf
age and irradiance. The leaves in
full or nearly full irradiance (<70% full daylight) attained the maximum
rate c. 60 d after the leaves emerged, and
the rate decreased to nearly zero at a leaf age of c. 270 d.
The nocturnal leaf respiratory activity was proportional to the photosynthetic
activity during the day, but the
proportional ratio was not constant throughout the survival period of leaves.
Within the closed canopy, the upper
leaves, which much higher ratios of respiratory to photosynthetic activity,
under full or nearly full irradiance,
tended to have much shorter mean longevities (c.
160 d) than the lower leaves under a lower irradiance (c. 310