Residents of Daraweesh village in Sudan were monitored for
Plasmodium falciparum infection and malaria morbidity in
3 malaria seasons from 1993 to 1996. Malaria parasites were detected
microscopically and by polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) in a series of cross-sectional surveys. PCR revealed submicroscopical
infections during the dry season, particularly
among individuals who had recovered from a malaria episode following
successful drug treatment. Clinical and subclinical
infections were contrasted by assaying for allelic polymorphism at 2 gene
loci, MSP-1 and GLURP and 2 hypotheses
examined with reference to these data: that clinical malaria is
associated with infection with novel parasite genotypes not
previously detected in that host, or alternatively, that clinical
malaria episodes are associated with an increased number
of clones in an infection. We detected more mixed infections among
clinical isolates, but people carrying parasites during
the dry season were not found to have an increased risk of disease in
the following malaria season. There was a clear
association of disease with the appearance of novel parasite genotypes.