Objective: To evaluate sleep and alertness and to investigate the presence of possible
underlying sleep/wake disorders in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). Method: After 3 nights of adaptation in a room reserved for sleep studies in the
department of child psychiatry, children underwent polysomnography (PSG) followed by the
Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) and reaction time tests (RT) during the daytime. Thirty
boys diagnosed as having ADHD (DSM-IV), aged between 5 and 10 years, and 22 age-
and sex-matched controls participated in the study. All children were medication-free
and showed no clinical signs of sleep and alertness problems. Results: No significant
differences in sleep variables were found between boys with ADHD and controls. The mean
latency period was shorter in children with ADHD. Significant differences were found for
MSLT 1, 2 and 3 (p<.05). Mean reaction time was longer in children with ADHD, with
significant differences in all tests (p<.05). Number and duration of sleep onsets measured
by the MSLT correlated significantly with the hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattentive-
passivity indices of the CTRS and CPRS. Conclusion: Children with ADHD were more
sleepy during the day, as shown by the MSLT, and they had longer reaction times. These
differences are not due to alteration in the quality of nocturnal sleep. The number of daytime
sleep onsets and the rapidity of sleep-onsets measured as MSLT were found to be pertinent
physiological indices to discriminate between ADHD subtypes. These results suggest that
children with ADHD have a deficit in alertness. Whether this deficit is primary or not
requires further studies.