The recent development of electron-sensitive and pixelated detectors has attracted the use of four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM). Here, we present a precession electron diffraction-assisted 4D-STEM technique for automated orientation mapping using diffraction spot patterns directly captured by an in-column scintillator-based complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) detector. We compare the results to a conventional approach, which utilizes a fluorescent screen filmed by an external charge charge-coupled device camera. The high-dynamic range and signal-to-noise characteristics of the detector greatly improve the image quality of the diffraction patterns, especially the visibility of diffraction spots at high scattering angles. In the orientation maps reconstructed via the template matching process, the CMOS data yield a significant reduction of false indexing and higher reliability compared to the conventional approach. The angular resolution of misorientation measurement could also be improved by masking reflections close to the direct beam. This is because the orientation sensitive, weak, and small diffraction spots at high scattering angles are more significant. The results show that fine details, such as nanograins, nanotwins, and sub-grain boundaries, can be resolved with a sub-degree angular resolution which is comparable to orientation mapping using Kikuchi diffraction patterns.