Electron cyclotron resonance ion thrusters (ECRITs) have the potential to be used for space gravitational wave detection due to their wide thrust range. However, an unclear understanding of dynamic processes of ECRITs with strongly coupled multi-operating parameters limits further improvements on thrust noise and response velocity by feedback control systems. An integrative mathematical model considering the non-Maxwell electron energy distribution function for ECRITs is validated by experiments and used to study the influence of operating parameters on the dynamic processes of thrusters, which provides a new simplified grid model. Simulation results show the response processes with microwave (MW) power can be divided into two stages. The characteristic times of the first and second stages are respectively several microseconds and 10 ms, which are respectively dominated by plasma motion and the volume effect. The overshoot of screen grid (SG) current decreases, while its response time remains unchanged when the response time of MW power is prolonged. The response time of SG current with a step increase of flow rate is approximately 10 ms, consistent with the volume effect. The SG current decreases with rise of flow rate for high flow rate operations due to the small increment of ion density limited by low electron temperature, the decrease of ion Bohm velocity and reduction of sheath extraction area. The influence of grid voltage on the dynamic process of the SG current depends on variation ranges of extraction capabilities. When variations of sheath extraction area are limited, the response time is 5 μs, consistent with plasma response time. It is prolonged to 0.5 ms if sheath extraction area variations are large because they cause obvious variations of plasma parameters in the discharge chamber. These dynamic results can not only facilitate designing feedback controllers of micro-propulsion systems for high-precision space missions, but also provide guidance for ion sources to generate highly stable or rapid-response ion beam.