To any groupoid, equipped with a Haar system, Jean-Michel Vallin had associated several objects (pseudo-multiplicative unitary, Hopf-bimodule) in order to generalize, up to the groupoid case, the classical notions of multiplicative unitary and Hopf–von Neumann algebra, which were intensely used to construct quantum groups in the operator algebra setting. In two former articles (one in collaboration with Jean-Michel Vallin), starting from a depth-2 inclusion of von Neumann algebras, we have constructed such objects, which allowed us to study two ‘quantum groupoids’ dual to each other. We are now investigating in greater details the notion of pseudo-multiplicative unitary, following the general strategy developed by Baaj and Skandalis for multiplicative unitaries.
AMS 2000 Mathematics subject classification: Primary 46L89; 22A22; 81R50