Let (X1,...,Xn) be multivariate normal, with mean vector 𝛍 and covariance matrix 𝚺, and let Sn=eX1+⋯+eXn. The Laplace transform ℒ(θ)=𝔼e-θSn∝∫exp{-hθ(𝒙)}d𝒙 is represented as ℒ̃(θ)I(θ), where ℒ̃(θ) is given in closed form and I(θ) is the error factor (≈1). We obtain ℒ̃(θ) by replacing hθ(𝒙) with a second-order Taylor expansion around its minimiser 𝒙*. An algorithm for calculating the asymptotic expansion of 𝒙* is presented, and it is shown that I(θ)→ 1 as θ→∞. A variety of numerical methods for evaluating I(θ) is discussed, including Monte Carlo with importance sampling and quasi-Monte Carlo. Numerical examples (including Laplace-transform inversion for the density of Sn) are also given.