Adult survival, puparial production, weight and viability, and the sex ratio of adults emerging from puparia of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood maintained through four successive reproductive cycles on daily (SO), every other day (SI) and every third day (S2) feeding regimen, respectively were investigated at Chilanga, Zambia. Only in puparial production (0.8 under S0 and S1, 0.7 under S2) and puparial weight (25.1±0.2mg under S0, 24.1±0.3mg under S1, 22.5±0.3mg under S2) were significant differences (P<0.05 and <0.01 respectively) detected between feeding regimens. Nevertheless, a combination of S1 and S2 regimens is recommended for further evaluation as a more convenient and economical alternative to the S0 regimen for tsetse mass production in Africa.