To advance our restricted knowledge on mosquito biodiversity and distribution in
Belgium, a national inventory started in 2007 (MODIRISK) based on a random
selection of 936 collection points in three main environmental types: urban,
rural and natural areas. Additionally, 64 sites were selected because of the
risk of importing a vector or pathogen in these sites. Each site was sampled
once between May and October 2007 and once in 2008 using Mosquito Magnet Liberty
Plus traps. Diversity in pre-defined habitat types was calculated using three
indices. The association between species and environmental types was assessed
using a correspondence analysis. Twenty-three mosquito species belonging to
traditionally recognized genera were found, including 21 indigenous and two
exotic species. Highest species diversity (Simpson 0.765) and species richness
(20 species) was observed in natural areas, although urban sites scored also
well (Simpson 0.476, 16 species). Four clusters could be distinguished based on
the correspondence analysis. The first one is related to human modified
landscapes (such as urban, rural and industrial sites). A second is composed of
species not associated with a specific habitat type, including the now widely
distributed Anopheles plumbeus. A third group includes species
commonly found in restored natural or bird migration areas, and a fourth cluster
is composed of forest species. Outcomes of this study demonstrate the
effectiveness of the designed sampling scheme and support the choice of the trap
type. Obtained results of this first country-wide inventory of the Culicidae in
Belgium may serve as a basis for risk assessment of emerging mosquito-borne