The Astronomical Society of the University of Carabobo (SAUC) is an activity of permanent scientific dissemination, which uses Astronomy as a tool for the scientific enculturation of the local population and non-formal teaching of Science and Technology. The SAUC base their Learning activities through the Bachelard epistemology and Morin pedagogy. Furthermore the focus of the dissemination and popularization of Astronomy must focus on knowledge for life and on overcoming epistemic obstacles between knowledge expert and knowledge taught. The SAUC’s activities are focused on holding Master Class, seminars, astronomy courses for amateurs; development of multimedia materials and the national astronomical ephemeris. The qualitative evaluation, after two decades of activities of the SAUC allows us to conclude that astronomy can affect as a motivating axis for cultural appropriation and scientific enculturation by broad sectors of the local community, regardless of age, gender, race, socio-economic activity, or ideological-cultural diversity.