Anyone, or any organization, can improve upon their abilities to become serial innovators. Innovators are both problem-identifiers and problem-solvers. Innovators create new, impactful solutions to clearly identified root-cause problems. Creative problem-solving is not enough. To generate impact those solutions must also be adopted. No adoption, no impact. No impact, no innovation.
Innovating is a learnable, not an innate, skill. Innovating takes the right people, in the right environment utilizing the right methodology. The focus of this book is the description of a learnable, repeatable, non-linear, iterative, knowledge-based methodology for generating innovations. It is the oft-missing guide necessary to becoming a serial innovator. A guide that integrates creation and adoption. A guide that includes root-cause problem identification and solution formulation. A guide that can be adopted by individuals, groups, or large organizations.
The design-thinking based Innovation Pyramid methodology is laid out in the first half of this book. Its implementation utilizes the creativity-based DOC (Diverge Organize Converge) Process described in the second half of this book. The appendices, in turn, describe specific techniques that apply to the DOC Process.