Regular (monthly) additions of NH4NO3 (4–12
g N m−2 yr−1) were made over a period
of 8 yr (1989–98) to areas
of moorland in North Wales dominated by the ericaceous shrub Calluna
vulgaris. Results from the early stages of
the experiment (1990–94) have shown marked and dose-related increases
in shoot extension and canopy height in
response to the nitrogen treatments, with significantly higher shoot nitrogen
contents. The nitrogen-related
stimulation in the growth of the C. vulgaris canopy over this
period has resulted in large accumulations of litter
on the high-nitrogen-treated plots (6.6 kg m−2 in plots
treated with 12 g N m−2 yr−1,
compared with 3.8 kg m−2 for the water controls). Litter
nitrogen concentrations were also significantly increased at the higher
rates of
nitrogen addition, leading to a doubling of the total return of nitrogen
to the litter layer over the experimental
period. These changes in vegetation structure were associated with large
reductions in the abundance of the
bryophyte and lichen species normally present under the untreated canopy.
Results since 1994, however, show
little increase in shoot extension in response to the nitrogen treatments,
with no clear dose response to increasing
levels of addition. These findings are associated with a dose-related increase
in the susceptibility of the nitrogen-treated areas of the C. vulgaris canopy to late winter injury,
characterized as browning of the shoot tips in early
to late spring. These results indicate that deleterious effects are now
accumulating as a result of the long-term
addition of nitrogen to these moorland plots.