Short-term phosphate uptake rates were measured on intact ectomycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris
seedlings using a new, non-destructive method. Uptake was quantified in semihydroponics from the depletion of
Pi in a nutrient solution percolating through plant containers. Plants were grown for 1 or 2 months after
inoculation at a low relative nutrient addition rate of 3% d−1 and under P limitation. Four ectomycorrhizal fungi
were studied: Paxillus involutus, Suillus luteus, Suillus bovinus and Thelephora terrestris. The Pi-uptake capacity of
mycorrhizal plants increased sharply in the month after inoculation. The increase was dependent on the
development of the mycobionts. A positive correlation was found between the Pi-uptake rates of the seedlings and
the active fungal biomass in the substrate as measured by the ergosterol assay. The highest Pi-uptake rates were
found in seedlings associated with fungi producing abundant external mycelia. At an external Pi concentration of
10 μM, mycorrhizal seedlings reached uptake rates that were 2.5 (T. terrestris) to 8.7 (P. involutus) times higher
than those of non-mycorrhizal plants. The increased uptake rates did not result in an increased transfer of
nutrients to the plant tissues. Nutrient depletion was ultimately similar between mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal
plants in the semihydroponic system. Net Pi absorption followed Michaelis–Menten kinetics: uptake rates
declined with decreasing Pi concentrations in the nutrient solution. This reduction was most pronounced in non-
mycorrhizal seedlings and plants colonized by T. terrestris. The results confirm that there is considerable
heterogeneity in affinity for Pi uptake among the different mycobionts. It is concluded that the external mycelia
of ectomycorrhizal fungi strongly influence the Pi-uptake capacity of the pine seedlings, and that some mycobionts
are well equipped to compete with other soil microorganisms for Pi present at low concentrations in soil solution.