Search and study the general principles that govern
kinetics and thermodynamics of protein folding generates
new insight into the factors that control this process.
Here, we demonstrate based on the known experimental data
and using theoretical modeling of protein folding that
side-chain entropy is one of the general determinants of
protein folding. We show for proteins belonging to the
same structural family that there exists an optimal relationship
between the average side-chain entropy and the average
number of contacts per residue for fast folding kinetics.
Analysis of side-chain entropy for proteins that fold without
additional agents demonstrates that there exists an optimal
region of average side-chain entropy for fast folding.
Deviation of the average side-chain entropy from the optimal
region results in an anomalous protein folding process
(prions, α-lytic protease, subtilisin, some DNA-binding
proteins). Proteins with high or low side-chain entropy
would have extended unfolded regions and would require
some additional agents for complete folding. Such proteins
are common in nature, and their structure properties have
biological importance.