The present study examines whether illusory movement (IM) of a
horizontal line, induced by a moving background (MB), influences
line-bisection performance in normal subjects. The first experiment
attempted to identify the speeds of MB that induce IM. We found that when
speed is increased from 1.53° to 13.3°/sec, IM increases, but
that with further speed increases, IM decreases. Leftward MB induces
rightward IM, and vice versa. In the second experiment, we had subjects
bisect lines at MB speeds that had been shown to induce IM in the first
experiment. We found that leftward MB induced a rightward bias, and vice
versa. We also found that there was a relationship between the magnitude
of IM and the degree of bias. In the third experiment, by making the
target line larger than the MB, we made the conditions where IM was
presumably absent. Unlike the results of bisection performed with IM,
subjects showed a bias in the direction of the MB. Overall, these
experiments demonstrated that the perception of motion induces subjects to
attend in the direction of movement. (JINS, 2005, 11,