Journal development
Supporting the journal. The editor is the journal’s ambassador, here are some of the ways to support the journal's development:
Supporting the journal
1. Authors & Commissioning
- Submit to the journal
- Encourage people in their network to submit to the journal
- Contact prospective contributors directly, giving the correspondence a personal touch, which is likely to be better received
- Approach interesting posters or speakers at conferences with invitations to submit to the journal
2. Attendance and participation
- Attend board meetings and actively participate
- Attend conferences within your community
- Share new trends or ‘hot topics’ in the discipline that could form the basis for commissioned papers or Themed Issues
- Guest Edit or commission papers for Themed Issues. Themed Issues on current topics are likely to be highly cited and well-read
- Suggest new board members who may represent key sub-disciplines or geographical regions
- Provide thoughts on potential topics to be incorporated into the journal scope in line with the needs of the community that the journal serves.
- Speaking at or attending conferences can be a good opportunity to promote the journal to your community.
3. Promote the journal
Here are a number of ways an editor can support the visibility and dissemination of their journal(s):
- Social Media
- Blogging
- Podcasting
- Press Releases
- Conferences and sharing directly with your community
Find out more about promoting the journal