be an algebraically closed field of characteristic
, and let
be a
-graded algebra over
for some finite abelian group
. Through
being regarded as a group of automorphisms of
, the duality between graded identities and
-identities of
is exploited. In this framework, the space of multilinear
-polynomials is introduced, and the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of
-codimensions of
is studied.
Two characterizations are given of the ideal of
-graded identities of such algebra in the case in which the sequence of
-codimensions is polynomially bounded. While the first gives a list of
-identities satisfied by
, the second is expressed in the language of the representation theory of the wreath product
$G \wr S_n$
, where
is the symmetric group of degree
As a consequence, it is proved that the sequence of
-codimensions of an algebra satisfying a polynomial identity either is polynomially bounded or grows exponentially.