At Cambridge University Press, we currently publish more than 420 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
The Aeronautical Journal
- Previous title: The Aeronautical Quarterly (1949 - 1983)
- Previous title: The Annual Reports of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain (1867 - 1893) (1867 - 1893)
- Previous title: The Transactions of the Royal Aeronautical Society (1919 - 1920)
- Previous title: Bulletin (Helicopter Association of Great Britain) (1946 - 1947)
- Previous title: The Journal of the Helicopter Association of Great Britain (1947 - 1959)
- Previous title: The Institution of Aeronautical Engineers Journal (1927 - 1927)
- Previous title: Minutes of Proceedings (Institution of Aeronautical Engineers) (1922 - 1926)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation
- Previous title: African Research and Documentation (1973 - 2021)
Contains open access -
African Studies Review
- Previous title: Issue: Quarterly Journal of Opinion (1971-1999) and African Issues (2000-2004) (1971 - 2004)
- Previous title: ASA Review of Books (1975 - 1980)
- Previous title: Africana Newsletter (1962 - 1964)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
- Previous title: Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (1984 - 1992)
- Previous title: Journal of the Northeastern Agricultural Economics Council (1972 - 1984)
Access: FullOpen access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
American Political Science Review
- Previous title: Proceedings of the American Political Science Association (1905 - 1914)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales
- Previous title: Annales d'histoire sociale (1945 - 1945)
- Previous title: Mélanges d’histoire sociale (1942 - 1944)
- Previous title: Annales d'histoire sociale (1939 - 1941)
- Previous title: Annales d’histoire économique et sociale (1929 - 1938)
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
The Antiquaries Journal
- Previous title: Archaeologia (1770 - 1992)
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (1843 - 1859)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
The ANZIAM Journal
- Previous title: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series B. Applied Mathematics (1975 - 2000)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education
- Previous title: Australian Journal of special Education (1977 - 1986)
- Previous title: Australasian Journal of Special Education (1987 - 2017)
Access: FullOpen access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
BJPsych Advances
- Previous title: Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (1994 - 2014)
Contains open access -
BJPsych Bulletin
- Previous title: The Psychiatric Bulletin (2014 - 2014)
- Previous title: The Psychiatrist (2010 - 2013)
- Previous title: Psychiatric Bulletin (1988 - 2009)
- Previous title: Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (1977 - 1988)
Access: FullOpen access -
BJPsych International
- Previous title: International Psychiatry (2003 - 2014)
Access: FullOpen access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
British Actuarial Journal
- Previous title: Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1851 - 1994)
- Previous title: Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries (1903 - 1992)
- Previous title: Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh (1901 - 1986)
- Previous title: Transactions of the Institute of Actuaries (1849 - 1852)
- Previous title: Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Students' Society (1911 - 1987)
- Previous title: Journal of the Staple Inn Actuarial Society (1988 - 1998)
Access: FullOpen access -
British Catholic History
- Previous title: Recusant History (1957 - 2014)
- Previous title: Biographical Studies, 1534-1829 (1951 - 1956)
Contains open access -
The British Journal for the History of Science
- Previous title: Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science (1949 - 1961)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
The British Journal of Psychiatry
- Previous title: Journal of Mental Science (1858 - 1962)
- Previous title: The Asylum Journal of Mental Science (1855 - 1857)
- Previous title: The Asylum Journal (1853 - 1855)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Business History Review
- Previous title: Bulletin of the Business Historical Society (1926 - 1953)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
The Cambridge Classical Journal
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society (Second Series) (1952 - 2003)
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society (First Series) (1882 - 1951)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullContains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: ArchiveContains open access
Access: ArchiveContains open access
Contains open access
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique
- Previous title: Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science/Revue canadienne de economiques et science politique (1935 - 1967)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Access: ArchiveContains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Clay Minerals
- Previous title: Clay Minerals Bulletin (1947 - 1964)
Contains open access -
Clays and Clay Minerals
- Previous title: Clays and clay minerals (National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals) (1953 - 1964)
- Previous title: Clays and clay technology (National Conference on Clays and Clay Technology) (1952 - 1952)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Dance Research Journal
- Previous title: CORD News (1969 - 1974)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
- Previous title: The Drama Review (1968 - 1987)
- Previous title: TDR (1967) (1967 - 1968)
- Previous title: Tulane Drama Review (1957 - 1967)
- Previous title: The Carleton Drama Review (1956 - 1956)
- Previous title: Carleton Drama Bulletin (1949 - 1954)
- Previous title: TDR: The Drama Review (2021 - )
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh
- Previous title: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences (1980 - 2006)
- Previous title: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (1788 - 1979)
Contains open access -
Access: ArchiveContains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Epidemiology & Infection
- Previous title: Journal of Hygiene (1901 - 1986)
Access: Past SubscriptionOpen access -
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences
- Previous title: Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale (1992 - 2010)
Access: FullOpen access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: Past SubscriptionOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
European Journal of Archaeology
- Previous title: Journal of European Archaeology (1993 - 1997)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
European Psychiatry
- Previous title: European Psychiatry (Ed.Española) (1994 - 2009)
- Previous title: Psychiatry and Psychobiology (1986 - 1990)
Access: FullOpen access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Glasgow Mathematical Journal
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association (1952 - 1966)
Access: ArchiveContains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health
- Previous title: Global Mental Health (2014 - 2022)
Access: FullOpen access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Hegel Bulletin
- Previous title: Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain (1980 - 2012)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
The Historical Journal
- Previous title: Cambridge Historical Journal (1923 - 1957)
Access: FullOpen access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
- Previous title: Infection Control (1980 - 1987)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
International Journal of Legal Information
- Previous title: International Journal of Law Libraries (1973 - 1981)
- Previous title: International Journal of Legal Information (1982 - )
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
International Labor and Working-Class History
- Previous title: Newsletter, European Labor and Working Class History (1972 - 1975)
Access: FullOpen access -
International Law Reports
- Previous title: Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases (1940 - 1955)
- Previous title: Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases (1932 - 1945)
Contains open access
Contains open access
International Review of Social History
- Previous title: Bulletin of the International Review of Social History (1937 - 1955)
- Previous title: International Review for Social History (1936 - 1938)
Contains open access -
International Review of the Red Cross
- Previous title: Revista Internacional de la Cruz Roja (1976 - 1999)
- Previous title: International Review of the Red Cross (1961 - 1997)
Access: FullOpen access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullContains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Journal of American Studies
- Previous title: Bulletin of the British Association for American Studies New Series (1960 - 1966)
- Previous title: Bulletin of the British Association for American Studies (1956 - 1959)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Journal of British Studies
- Previous title: Albion (1969 - 2004)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Journal of Germanic Linguistics
- Previous title: American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures (1989 - 2000)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy
- Previous title: Journal of Comparative Social Welfare (2006 - 2012)
- Previous title: New Global Development (1995 - 2005)
- Previous title: Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare (1984 - 1994)
Access: FullContains open access -
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology
- Previous title: The Journal of Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology (1892 - 1920)
- Previous title: The Journal of Laryngology and Rhinology (1887 - 1891)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
- Previous title: Law, Medicine and Health Care (1981 - 1992)
- Previous title: Medicolegal News (1973 - 1981)
- Previous title: Nursing Law & Ethics (1980 - 1981)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Journal of Management & Organization
- Previous title: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (1995 - 2005)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
- Previous title: Journal of Southeast Asian History (1960 - 1969)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
- Previous title: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics and Statistics (1980 - 2000)
- Previous title: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics (1975 - 1979)
- Previous title: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (1959) (1959 - 1974)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Journal of the History of Economic Thought
- Previous title: History of Economics Society Bulletin (1979 - 1989)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Previous title: Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society (1827 - 1834)
- Previous title: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (New Series) (1864 - 1990)
- Previous title: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1834 - 1863)
Contains open access -
Journal of the Royal Musical Association
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association (1944 - 1984)
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Musical Association (1874 - 1943)
- Previous title: Journal of the Royal Musical Association (1987 - )
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Language Teaching
- Previous title: Language Teaching & Linguistics: Abstracts (1975 - 1981)
- Previous title: Language Teaching: Abstracts (1968 - 1974)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Latin American Politics and Society
- Previous title: Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs (1970 - 2000)
- Previous title: Journal of Inter-American Studies (1959 - 1969)
Contains open access -
Access: ArchiveOpen access
Contains open access
Law & Social Inquiry
- Previous title: American Bar Foundation Research Journal (1976 - 1987)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Libyan Studies
- Previous title: Annual Report - Society for Libyan Studies (1969 - 1978)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Mineralogical Magazine
- Previous title: Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical Society (1876 - 1968)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
New Blackfriars
- Previous title: Life of the Spirit (1946 - 1964)
- Previous title: The Life of the Spirit (1944 - 1946)
- Previous title: Blackfriars (1921 - 1964)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: ArchiveOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
- Previous title: Phonology Yearbook (1984 - 1987)
Contains open access -
Plainsong & Medieval Music
- Previous title: Journal of the Plainsong & Mediaeval Music Society (1978 - 1990)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
- Previous title: Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America (1887 - 1888)
- Previous title: Proceedings - Modern Language Association of America (1885 - 1886)
- Previous title: Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America (1885 - 1885)
- Previous title: PMLA / Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (1889 - )
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: Full
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
- Previous title: Journal of the World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine (1985 - 1987)
Contains open access -
Access: Past SubscriptionOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting
- Previous title: Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its annual meeting (1921 - 1969)
- Previous title: Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at the meeting of its executive council (1918 - 1920)
- Previous title: Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its annual meeting (1907 - 1917)
Contains open access -
Proceedings of the Design Society
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference (2020 - 2020)
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design (2019 - 2019)
Access: FullOpen access -
Contains open access
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
- Previous title: Symposium - International Astronomical Union (1955 - 2004)
- Previous title: International Astronomical Union Colloquium (1959 - 2004)
- Previous title: Highlights of Astronomy (1968 - 2005)
- Previous title: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union (1923 - 2007)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia (1911 - 1934)
Contains open access -
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (1844 - 1940)
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A: Mathematics (1975 - )
- Previous title: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1941 - 1974)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
PS: Political Science & Politics
- Previous title: Political Science Teacher (1988 - 1990)
- Previous title: News for Teachers of Political Science (1978 - 1987)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: ArchiveContains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Renaissance Quarterly
- Previous title: Renaissance News (1948 - 1966)
- Previous title: Studies in the Renaissance (1954 - 1974)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Review of International Studies
- Previous title: British Journal of International Studies (1975 - 1980)
Contains open access -
Review of Middle East Studies
- Previous title: Middle East Studies Association Bulletin (1967 - 2008)
- Previous title: Review of Middle East Studies (2009 - )
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Royal Historical Society Camden Fifth Series
- Previous title: Camden Fourth Series (1964 - 1992)
- Previous title: Camden Third Series (1900 - 1963)
- Previous title: Camden New Series (1872 - 1901)
- Previous title: Camden Old Series (1838 - 1872)
Contains open access -
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements
- Previous title: Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture series (1982 - 1989)
- Previous title: Royal Institute of Philosophy lectures (1968 - 1978)
Contains open access -
Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle
- Previous title: R.M.A. Research Chronicle (1961 - 1976)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullContains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Access: FullOpen access
Slavic Review
- Previous title: American Slavic and East European Review (1945 - 1961)
- Previous title: Slavonic and East European Review American Series (1943 - 1944)
- Previous title: Slavonic Yearbook American Series (1941 - 1941)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Contains open access
Twin Research and Human Genetics
- Previous title: Twin Research (1998 - 2004)
Access: ArchiveContains open access -
Urban History
- Previous title: Urban History Yearbook (1974 - 1991)
Contains open access -
Contains open access
Victorian Literature and Culture
- Previous title: Browning Institute Studies (1973 - 1990)
Contains open access -
Access: FullOpen access
Weed Science
- Previous title: Weeds (1951 - 1967)
Access: FullOpen access -
Access: FullOpen access
Contains open access
Yearbook for Traditional Music
- Previous title: Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council (1969 - 1980)
- Previous title: Journal of the International Folk Music Council (1949 - 1968)
Contains open access -
Contains open access