The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking is currently managing two large-scale research and innovation programmes under FP7 and Horizon 2020 to contribute to the strengthening of the European aeronautical sector ensuring global leadership and competitiveness. This paper describes the research and demonstration programmes in Clean Sky (2008–2017) and Clean Sky 2 (2014–2024) related to propulsion technologies for the next-generation aircraft. The bulk of this work is addressed in Clean Sky 1 under the “Sustainable And Green Engines” (SAGE) programme and under the “ENGINES” programme in Clean Sky 2. The High-Level Objectives are described for each engine architecture as well as the targets in terms of CO2 and noise reduction versus a year 2000 reference unless stated otherwise. An overview of the new engine concepts that would satisfy the ACARE objectives is presented, including the main technologies which are to be developed to ensure the successful demonstration of each of those new engine concepts.