In several experiments, faster ions were produced from the backside of
solid targets irradiated by powerful laser pulses. The ion acceleration
was considered due to the negative electrostatic sheath formed on the
backside of the target (TNSA), or to the expansion wave starting at the
backside surface, or to the expansion wave and to its embedded
electrostatic rarefaction shock. In this experiment, ions have been
generated by transferring energy to a controlled amount of mass before the
target become transparent by gas dynamic expansion (controlled amount of
mass mode (CAM)). The targets used were thin transparent disks
causally isolated from the holder to trim down, during the
interaction process, unwanted effects due to the surrounding parts. Two
kinds of target corresponding to a different set of parameters were
designed (LARGE and SMALL). Both targets were conceived to survive, in the
actual contrast conditions, to the low power pulse forerunning the giant
laser pulse, bigger margin but lower performances being assigned to LARGE.
For comparison standard square foils under the same focusing conditions,
were also studied (LARGE-LIKE and SMALL-LIKE irradiation).